Windows 7 is a great operating system and it has a lot of features that you can use to improve your desktop. One of the features that you can use is the Desktop Wallpapers feature. This feature allows you to choose a wallpaper from the Windows 7 desktop and have it installed on your computer. There are many different wallpaper options that you can choose from and they all look great. If you are looking for some new desktop wallpaper options, then check out our list of the best Windows 7 desktop wallpaper options.

Click on the pictures to see the full-size version, and you’ll need to use the Download link on the left side of the download page to get the gigantic, high-quality version. All of these should fit any widescreen desktop, even large ones. Note: this first one is the official RTM wallpaper.







Got some ideas for the next wallpaper roundup? Let us know in the comments.