If you’re a Windows Live Writer user, then you know that there are a few things you can do to keep your settings as they were when you first started using the service. One of these is to backup your settings so that if something goes wrong, you can restore them easily. To Backup Your Settings:

  1. Open the Windows Live Writer application and click on the “Backup” button on the left-hand side of the main screen. This will open a dialog box in which you will need to provide some information about how you want to backup your settings. For example, if you want to back up your settings for all users, then enter “All Users” into the “Backup Type” field and click on the “Create Backup” button.
  2. Once the backup has been created, click on the “Restore” button in the dialog box and follow instructions onscreen to restore your settings as they were before.

Scott Lovegrove has solved this problem for everybody by creating the Windows Live Writer Backup Utility, which can even be run with command line arguments for automating backups.

The interface of the application is simple enough, all you really need to do is click the world’s biggest Backup button and specify the location to save the file.

You can also start it from the command line with any one of the command line arguments. 

Note: If you are running this in Windows Vista you will need to choose to run it as administrator.

Download Live Writer Backup Utility from ScottIsAFool’s Dev Stuff