Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS are both supported by Grub2, the bootloader for Ubuntu systems. However, after upgrading to either of these releases, you may find that the Grub2 boot menu is not as up-to-date as it used to be. The problem is that Grub2 has not been updated in a while and some of its features may no longer work correctly. To fix this, you can update Grub2 using the Ubuntu Software Center or by manually editing the grub_menu_item_defaults file in your /etc/grub/menu.d directory. If you have upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and do not yet have a grub_menu_item_defaults file, you can create one by running the following command: sudo nano /etc/grub/menu.d/10_linuxmint-desktop.lst and then adding the following line at the bottom: menuentry “Ubuntu 12\.” { insmod partizan } insmod partizan -a linuxmint insmod gpt insmod ntfs insmod ext4 set root=’(hd0,msdos1)’ if [ -f $prefix/$release ]; then echo “Loading Linux Mint…” » $prefix/$release/grub/menuconfig fi linuxmint $root linuxmint –no-floppy –nomodeset –verbose=true –disable-background-tasks –enable-multiboot linuxmint $root –quiet

Important: If you’re using a newer version of Ubuntu with grub 2 (like Ubuntu 9.10 or later), you’ll need to read about how to clean up the New boot menu instead.

I just installed this box recently, and then did an upgrade…. already there are 7 items in the menu.

To remove these entries, we’ll need to edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst. You can do this by using Alt+F2 and then typing in the following command:

Now that we’ve got the file open, scroll down to the bottom of the file where it says “End Default Options”, and you’ll find all the menu entries for the various kernels in here. You can just select and delete the ones you don’t want.

Save the file, and then the next time you boot up you’ll see a much nicer set of options.

I’m guessing it would also be prudent to clean up the other unused kernel files that are sitting out there… I’m sure there’s some automated tool to do that, but I’ve not taken the time to figure it out yet.