If you’re looking for a specific item on a website, you can use a search engine to find it. If you want to see all the items that have been searched for on the site, you can use a MRU list. A MRU list is a list of all the items that have been searched for on a website. You can use it to see what people are looking for on your site.

For instance, if you are using Outlook 2007 there’s the Instant search box on every folder. If you click the drop-down and then select Recent Searches, you’ll see a list of your most recent searches…. but there’s no way to clear it!

This is where the brilliant application OutlookTools comes into the picture. It’s a sort of TweakUI for Outlook, and allows you to configure a ton of settings very easily, including the ability to let you clear the MRU lists.

You’ll notice that there are a lot of options you can choose from. Make sure you have the correct profile selected in the drop-down list, and then click the buttons to clear. Odd that there’s no Clear All button, isn’t it?

You can also clear the auto-complete email address cache using a different method.

Download OutlookTools from HowTo-Outlook