Dell has a wide range of server hardware that can be used in business. This includes Dell servers, workstations, and blade servers. The most common type of server hardware is the blade server. A blade server is a small computer that is connected to the network and can be used as a workstation or a server. One way to configure email notifications for Dell Server Hardware Alerts is to use the Dell Email Notification Manager. This manager allows you to create email notifications for different types of events, such as system failures, power outages, and software updates. You can also configure email notifications for specific users or groups of users. To use the Dell Email Notification Manager, you first need to create an account and password. After you have created an account and password, you can click on the New button in the main pane of the manager. In the new window, you will need to provide information about your Dell Server Hardware Alerts. You will need to provide information about your device name and model number, your company name and contact information, and your email address. You will also need to provide information about how you want your emails sent out. After you have provided all of this information, click on the OK button in the new window. The Dell Email Notification Manager will start working on creating your emails. Your emails will be sent out automatically when there are system failures or software updates that are available for your device or company.

How it Works

The script is very simple. There is a setup command which sets each alert to “Execute application” with the application being the script itself. When the script runs, it simply generates an email (by using the the Blat tool) with the computer name, date, time and alert triggered.

Before script is run:

After script is run:

All alerts use the email notification script:


Of course, you will need to have Dell OpenManage Server Assistant installed. This software, if not provided with your system, is downloadable through Dell’s support site.

Additionally, you will need to have Blat, a command line emailer, configured on your system. To configure Blat, just download the binary files and extract them (3 total: blat.exe, blat.dll, blat.lib) to a location in your system’s PATH variable, such as your Windowssystem32 folder. Then from the command line, run:

Replace the mail server and from email address appropriately. For the most part this command is all you need to run, but if your server has a special configuration (alternate port, etc.), you can see the full install options on Blat’s website.

Email Alert Notification Setup

Once you have these requirements in place, you are ready to use the script. Edit the script to include the email address(es) to notify (the ‘ToEmail’ variable). If your server requires authentication to relay, you will have to add these parameters to the Blat command as documented in the script.

To setup the Server Assistant alerts to use the script, just run the setup:

Confirm you want to use this script as your alert action and you are all set. As part of the setup, a sample alert is triggered so you can make sure the emails are reaching the intended recipients.

The Script

Script Modifications/Maintenance

The event alerts from the provided script are from one of our Dell servers. Depending on your Dell server hardware and Server Assistant version, the alerts may vary. Generally, you can tell when you run the setup script if an event is not valid for your server (for example, if you don’t have Dell RAID controllers) as some of the storage event creation items will fail.

The event triggers in the script above were obtained by running the following from a command prompt:

This command lists all event keywords with a description of the respective alert. To add additional alerts, run the command above and add the missing entries to the setup portion of the script and then rerun the script with the /Setup switch.

Download Dell Server Email Alert Script from

Download Blat Command Line Emailer

Dell Support Site