If you have a copy of Windows 10, you can use the “copy Windows error messages to the clipboard” command to paste them into a text editor or word processor. This will help you troubleshoot and fix errors on your computer. To copy the error messages, open Windows 10 and type “cmd” into the search bar and hit enter. Then click on the “copy windows error messages to clipboard” button. You can then paste them into any text editor or word processor that supports Clipboard commands.

If you want to test this out for yourself, just open Windows Explorer and type an incorrect drive letter into the address bar, and you’ll get an error message immediately. 

Just hit Ctrl+C whenever you get an error message prompt, and then you can paste it into notepad (or anywhere you’d like)

Personally I prefer to paste the error messages into a blank notepad window so I can select just a portion of it for pasting into Google. This is also a perfect way to copy your error messages when you are asking for help on our forum.

This tip should work in Windows Vista or XP or 2003.