There are a few things you can do to improve your XP performance. One is to disable indexing service XP. Indexing service XP helps speed up the loading of pages by providing a list of files that are to be searched for. It also helps keep track of which pages have been visited and which pages need to be reloaded. If you disable indexing service XP, your computer will be slower when it starts up and will require more time to start up than if it was enabled. Another thing you can do is to increase the number of cores your computer has. This will help it run faster and will also help improve your XP performance.

Double Click My Computer and right click on your root drive. Which is usually Local Disk (C:) now choose Properties. Under the General Tab uncheck the box next to “Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching”. Click Apply.

In the resulting window make sure to check “Apply changes to C: , subfolders and files. Click OK.

While the new attributes are applying you will see the progress dialog box. Now your finished! If you want to change it back just follow the same steps and place a check back in the box to re enable the service.