Firefox 3.6 Release Candidate is now available for download, and with it comes a new version of the Firefox Add-ons Manager. This release candidate includes a number of bug fixes and improvements, but there are also some extensions that may not work with it yet. If you’re using an incompatible extension, here’s how to fix it. If you’re using an incompatible extension, Firefox 3.6 RC may not work with it yet. To fix this, follow these steps:

  1. In the Add-ons Manager, click on the “Extensions” tab and then select the “Installed” tab.
  2. Locate the incompatible extension and click on the “Disable” button next to it.
  3. Restart Firefox for the changes to take effect. ..

What you’ll need to do is use the new compatibility hack to get it working. And before you start talking about nightly tester tools and other extensions to force compatibility, some of us don’t want to bloat up Firefox with yet another extension, and prefer the about:config hack instead.

How To Force Extension Compatibility with Firefox 3.6+

You can click the link to read the full description, or just create a new boolean key with this name, and value set to false:

The new version of Firefox adds a bunch of features like Personas themes that can switch without restarting the browser, notifications for ancient, insecure versions of Flash, and a bunch of extra stuff that will speed up the browser.

Download Firefox 3.6 Release Candidate 1 from