Firefox Quick UI Tweaks is a Firefox add-on that allows you to quickly and easily change the look and feel of your Firefox window. Quick UI Tweaks is a simple add-on that can be installed quickly by simply clicking on the “Add to Firefox” button in the Firefox main menu. Once added, Quick UI Tweaks will be available in the “Tools” tab of your Firefox preferences. Quick UI Tweaks offers a variety of options for changing the look and feel of your Firefox window. You can choose to have a default look, or you can create your own custom look by selecting one of several templates. You can also choose to have different window sizes, or to have all windows open at once. Quick UI Tweaks also offers a variety of features for improving your Firefox window experience. You can choose to have Mozilla’s own search bar at the top of your screen, or you can choose to use third-party search engines such as Google or Yahoo! Search. You can also choose to have different icons for different types of windows, or to have all windows open at once with an icon toolbar. Quick UI Tweaks is an easy and effective way to change the look and feel of your Firefox window.

Combine the Reload & Stop Buttons

Normally the “Reload & Stop Buttons” are separate in Firefox, but what if you could combine the two buttons into one? That is something that is very easy to do with the Combine Stop-Reload Buttons extension. Simply install the extension and get instant satisfaction.

Here you can see the new combined button at rest and while a webpage is loading…only what you need when you need it.

Expand the Width of the New Tab Button on the Tab Bar

Perhaps the particular theme that you are using has made your “New Tab Button” smaller than usual or you feel it would just be easier to use the entire “empty” part of the “Tab Bar” to activate a new tab. Once again, something that is easy to fix.

Simply install the Big New Tab Button extension and you are ready for easy click activation of new tabs.


While these tweaks may not be for everyone, they can be very nice for people who have a specific UI need or style that they prefer for their Firefox Browser.


Download the Combine Stop-Reload Buttons extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Combine Stop-Reload Buttons extension (Extension Homepage)

Download the Big New Tab Button extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Big New Tab Button extension (Extension Homepage)