Google Chrome is a popular web browser that you may be familiar with. It’s one of the most popular browsers on the market, and it has a lot of features that make it a great choice for online browsing. One of its features is its focus mode, which makes it easier for you to stay focused on what you’re doing when browsing the web. However, sometimes you may need to change Chrome’s focus mode in order to keep your screen clear and your attention focused on what you’re looking at. There are a few ways to do this, but one way is to open Chrome’s Preferences and select the “Focused New Tabs” option. This will change Chrome’s focus mode so that all of your tabs are in one place, and they will be focused on the current page rather than any other tabs. This is a great way to keep your screen clear and your attention focused on what you’re looking at while browsing the web.


The standard behavior in Chrome has any new tab that you open from from the “Right Click Menu” always appear in the background. Once in a while might not be much of a problem but if you open lots of tabs this way every day it can get very tiring using your mouse to bring all those tabs to the front.

Tabs To The Front! in Action

Here we are ready to open the link pictured above in a new tab once again…

With the Tabs To The Front! extension that extra mouse click is eliminated and our new tab is focused and ready to go. Think of all the hassle that could be eliminated from a day’s worth of browsing!


If you are tired of having to use your mouse to focus new tabs all day long, then this little extension is going to make browsing a much more pleasant experience for you.


Download the Tabs To The Front! extension (Google Chrome Extensions)