Windows Vista is a great operating system, but it has some problems that can prevent you from copying files successfully. Here are three tips to help you copy files in Windows Vista:

  1. Use the Windows Explorer tool to explore your computer and find the file you want to copy.
  2. Copy the file using the command prompt or a text editor, and then paste it into a new window in Windows Explorer.
  3. Rename the file if necessary, and then copy it again.

The problem stems from the new auto-tuning network, which changes the receive window on the fly. Thankfully we can easily turn it off from an administrative mode command prompt.

Open Administrative Mode Command Prompt

Either type cmd into the start menu and use Ctrl+Shift+Enter or right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and choose Run as Administrator.

Turn Off Auto-Tuning

You’ll have to reboot your system, but once you do, the problems should be resolved. If they are not you can always turn auto-tuning back on.

Turn On Auto-Tuning

For more information on this topic, you can read this article from MSDN blogs.