Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VM) is a powerful tool that allows users to run multiple operating systems on the same computer. One of the features of VM is that it can be used to fix problems with a failed to bring up eth0 in Ubuntu Virtual Machine. If you are experiencing this issue, you can try following steps:

  1. Log out and then back in to your Ubuntu VM.
  2. Type “eth0” into the console and press enter.
  3. You should see a message saying “eth0 not found.” If this message does not appear, then eth0 may be missing from your VM or it may have been removed by Ubuntu for security reasons. If you still cannot find eth0, please contact us at support@ubuntu.com for more help.

The full error message is this:

Run this command to edit the interfaces file, and then change eth0 to eth1.

After you run this command to restart networking, everything should likely start working again:

You should be able to run a ping command, or use ifconfig -a and everything will be working.