Windows Vista is a great operating system, but it has some problems that can be fixed with some simple changes. One of the most common problems is synergy, which is a problem that occurs when two programs try to do the same thing at the same time. This can cause problems because it can make it difficult to use both programs, and it can also make it difficult to find what you’re looking for. To fix synergy on Windows Vista, you first need to find out what program is causing the problem. If you’re using a program that’s built into Windows Vista, then you won’t have any trouble fixing synergy; however, if you’re using another program, then you’ll need to find out how to fix it. If you’re using a program that’s built into Windows Vista, then you’ll first need to find out what program is causing the problem. If you’re using a program that’s built into Windows Vista, then you won’t have any trouble fixing synergy; however, if you’re using another program, then you’ll need to find out how to fix it. If your problem isn’t caused by synergy and instead by another issue with your computer or software, then there are other ways to fix it without having to go throughsynergy. However, if your problem is caused by synergy and cannot be solved without going throughsynergy, then there are some steps that can be taken in order to help improve your computer’s performance. One of the most common ways that computers struggle in terms of performance is because they don’t have enough resources available to them. This means that when one or more programs try to do something at once, they don’t get enough time or resources from the computer in order to complete their tasks successfully. This can cause problems because not all of the tasks we want done will be completed successfully because they require too much time and energy from our computer. In order for our computer to be ableto do its best work and

The problem is that Synergy is getting “locked out” while your admin mode application has the foreground focus. The workaround is to just run Synergy in administrator mode as well.

What is Synergy Again?

Synergy is an open source utility that allows you to share a single keyboard and mouse across multiple computers running different operating systems. This differs from remote desktop or VNC in that you continue to use separate monitors for each computer.

For instance, in my setup I have a keyboard and mouse attached to a computer running Windows Vista. On the left is a Mac Mini, and on the right is a computer running Kubuntu. I can move the mouse from one screen to the other as if it was a giant desktop with three monitors. (I’ll post a picture one of these days)

For more information on Synergy you can check out the homepage.

Run Synergy in Admin Mode

The biggest problem I’ve had with Synergy is that I can’t move the mouse between computers while an administrator mode application is open. This is easily remedied by simply running Synergy as administrator.

Right-click on the shortcut you usually use to launch Synergy, and then choose the Advanced button on the Shortcut tab.

Here you can choose to “Run as administrator”, which will force the application to always run in admin mode. If you have UAC enabled, you’ll be forced to accept each time.

Automatic Starting

You cannot use Synergy in “Start as Service” mode in Windows Vista because the new security model prevents system services from interacting with the desktop. You will have to launch the application as a regular startup item.

In order to make the services start up automatically, you’ll have to follow these steps:

Setup automatic Logon (Only necessary for Synergy clients) Disable UAC Prompting for administrators Make Synergy automatically start when you login.

I hope this information is useful to other people… it’s been indispensable for me.