Google Docs and Microsoft Office are two of the most popular office software programs on the market. They both offer a lot of features and are easy to use. However, there are some key differences between them that can make working with them a better experience. One big difference is that Google Docs is open source, which means that anyone can use it without having to pay for a license. This makes it more accessible and allows users to work on the software however they want. Microsoft Office, on the other hand, is not open source and requires a license to use it. This makes it more expensive and less accessible. Another big difference between Google Docs and Microsoft Office is their support for collaboration. Google Docs allows users to collaborate on documents with others online, whereas Microsoft Office does not have this feature built in. This can be a big advantage if you need to work on multiple documents at the same time or if you need to share files with others who are not computer experts. Overall, Google Docs and Microsoft Office are both great options for office software but there are some key differences that make them better choices for specific tasks or needs.

The installation is silent so there won’t be a typical install wizard but you will get a progress screen.

A few moments will pass before it is installed fully  and when it is you will see Registration Succeeded.  Just wait until you see it before opening any Office app.

Now when you open up an Office application just click on the OffiSync (Beta) tab to get the full list of features.

You can also access everything from hitting the Office Button and scrolling to OffiSync.

To start using the features you will be prompted to sign into your Google account.

While you’re writing up a document you can search for information on the net with Google using the search bar.  A browser window opens up and from here you can easily clip and paste data into your document.

There is also an image search so you can insert cool and interesting images (sometimes cooler than Office Clip Art) into a document for affect.  Also notice you can narrow down image search results based on the type of license the image may have to help avoid logos that may have copy write protection.

After you make modifications to a document, send an email to the other collaborators.

When you email announcing a document to other collaborators they get the following message with a download link to OffiSync.

Click on the OffiSync icon in the Start menu to disconnect or verify you’re connected.

Remember this is still in beta so there are still a few kinks that need to be worked out.  One thing we noticed is that it can slow down MS Office startup time while it connects.  OffiSync works with MS Office 2003 and 2007 with Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.

Download OffiSync beta [discontinued]