Server 2008 is a powerful operating system that can help you keep your computer running smoothly. One of the features of Server 2008 is disk cleanup. Disk cleanup can help you free up space on your hard drive and make your computer run more efficiently. To add disk cleanup to your Server 2008 installation, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click System and Security.
  3. Click Administrative Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. Disk Cleanup will open in a new window. In the left pane, under Action, click New Cleanup Session. In the right pane, under Options, select the drives you want to clean up (for example C:). Under Type of Cleanup, select Files and Folders or Memory (depending on what you want to clean up). Under Options for Files and Folders or Memory, select the files and folders you want to delete (for example C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data). Under Delete Items After Reviewing them, select whether you want Disk Cleanup to delete files that have been modified but not yet deleted or not deleted at all (default is not deleted). Click OK to close Disk Cleanup. ..

To enable Disk Cleanup, we’ll first open Server Manager by clicking on the Server Manager icon next to the Start button.

In Server Manager, scroll down to the Features section and click on Add Features in the upper right area.

The Disk Cleanup tool is bundled into the Desktop Experience Feature, so we’ll check to install that.

We haven’t previously added the Ink and Handwriting Services, so we get a popup window informing us that they are required in order to install Desktop Experience. We’ll click on Add Required Features to proceed.

Next we’ll click the Install button and be on our way.

Once the features have been installed, the system will need a reboot in order for the changes to take effect.

After the reboot is complete, we can find the Disk Cleanup tool in Accessories | System Tools

We’re not sure why Microsoft decided to omit Disk Cleanup from Server 2008 by default, but at least it’s pretty easy to add back into the tools. Next we take a look at scheduling a disk cleanup.