If you’re a Windows user, you know how to right-click on a file and select “Open in Command Prompt.” But what if you want to add the command prompt to the Windows Explorer’s left-click menu? There’s no need to create a new shortcut. Just open the “Windows Explorer” folder and copy the following file into it: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe Now, when you right-click on a file in the Windows Explorer and select “Open in Command Prompt,” your command prompt will be added to the left-click menu.

Here’s the registry hack to get this working. Make sure you back up your registry just in case. I’ll show you the step-by-step method, but you can skip down to the bottom for the alternate reg file.

Step-By-Step Method:

Type regedit.exe into the Start\Run dialog, and then navigate to the following registry key:

Once you are at that key, right click and choose the New Key option:

Name the key “CommandPrompt” without the quotes and then double-click on the default value. Change the text to “Command Prompt Here” as seen here:

Right click on the new Command key and select New key, as you did before. Name the new key Command as well, and then double-click the default value of that key. Set the text of that key to this:

You can see what it should look like here:

Now when you right click on the folder, you should see this dialog:

That will open up a prompt like this:


Alternate method:

You can create a text file named anything.reg, and insert this text into it:

Double click on that file, and the text will be entered into the registry, and you’ll have the same right click command prompt.