If you’re like most people, you probably open a terminal window to get your work done. But what if you want to open a terminal window without having to search for it? There are a few ways to do this. One way is to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T. But that’s not always convenient. Another way is to use the “Open Terminal” menu item in the Ubuntu System Settings window. But that menu item is hidden by default. Here’s how you can make it visible: ..

Ubuntu has a built-in utility for assigning shortcut keys. Go to System \ Preferences \ Keyboard Shortcuts:

Scroll down to where it says “Run a terminal”, and click in the Shortcut column. When you see “New accelerator…”, the next keystroke that you use will set the keyboard shortcut.

I assigned Ctrl+Alt+X as mine…. one press of the key combination and up pops a terminal. What a time saver!