In the past, most office users would have to search through menus to find the right tool for the job. But in 2007, Microsoft Office included a feature called “old menus.” This feature allowed users to easily access common tools and features from different parts of the Office interface without having to search through menus. The old menus were a great way to keep office users organized and on their toes. They made it easy for you to find what you needed without having to search through a long list of options. If you’re looking for a way to bring back the old menus in Office 2007, there are a few ways you can do it. One way is to create an alias for each tool you use most often. This will make it easier for you to remember which tool you need when you need it, and it will also make it easier for other office users to find your tools if they need them too. Another way to bring back the old menus is by using macros. Macros are special files that contain instructions that can be run automatically when someone opens an Office document. These files can help you keep your office environment organized and easy-to-use while still providing some basic functionality. There are many ways that you can use these techniques to bring back the old menus in Office 2007, but they all work best when used together. If you’re not sure how or whereto start, we recommend checking out our guide on how to create an Office 2007 menu from scratch or our guide on how to add an existing menu intoOffice 2007.

When I first tried Office 2007 it took a lot of frustrating time figuring out where all of the features were located.  It is laid out much differently than previous versions of office.  When the “pointy-haired bosses” require deadlines to be met you don’t have time to learn where everything is.  This is where UBitMenu comes in, it places the classic 2003 menu in as a new ribbon.

It will add the Classic Menu to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007.  Not only will it allow you to easily navigate through documents, it also adds elements of 2007’s extra functionality.  For example in this Excel shot you can see there is the new 2007 means to save the document.

The Ribbon in PowerPoint is full of new features so if you prepare a lot of presentations you should fine UBitMenu extremely beneficial.

While in the UBitMenu you can still access the Mini Formatting Toolbar which is a new feature in Office 2007.  If you are annoyed by this feature check out The Geek’s article on how to disable it.

This tiny app is based on standard Microsoft Office add-in technology and integrates seamlessly with Office 2007 with no impact on performance.  It is a free program for personal use protected by the Creative Commons License.  It is a 356KB download that can be installed in just a few seconds.  It is currently available in German, English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.  With UBitMenu you will be able to easily complete your TPS Reports by the deadline all while getting to know Office 2007 better.

Download UBitMenu