Word 2007 offers a variety of formatting options, including text alignment, font choice, and color. You can change the default formatting of a document by using the Format button in the ribbon. To change the default formatting of a document, follow these steps:

  1. Open the document you want to format.
  2. Click on the Format button in the ribbon.
  3. In the Format dialog box that appears, select one of the following:
  4. Text Alignment: Choose which type of text to align your text according to its alignment options (left-justified, right-justified, or center-aligned). The default is left-justified.
  5. Font Choice: Choose which type of font to use for your document (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, or serif). The default is Arial. 6. Color: Select one of several colors for your document (black and white, light gray and black, dark gray and white). The default is black and white. 7. Save Your Changes: Click on the Save button to save your changes as a new document with the new formatting

The first thing is to access the dialog box launch icon in the Styles section under the Home tab on the Ribbon.  That is the little corner and arrow icon in the corner of the Styles section.  You can also use the key combination of “Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S”.


At the bottom of the menu click on the Manage Styles icon.


In the Manage Styles dialog box click on the Set Defaults tab and make the changes to the fonts, line and paragraph spacing.  To make sure this document and all new created documents will have the changes make sure to select “New documents based on this template” then click OK.

Now all new documents will have your own customized settings as the default format.