If you’re a Firefox user, you may be frustrated with the way Google search results display in the browser. Firefox’s default search engine is Chrome, which means that when you type in a query like “What are the best books to read in summer?” or “What are the best restaurants in town?” Chrome will show you the most popular books and restaurants on Google. To change this behavior, open Firefox’s preferences and select “Search engines.” Under “Search engines,” select “Chrome.” This will change Firefox’s default search engine to Chrome. Now when you type in a query like “What are the best books to read in summer?” or “What are the best restaurants in town?” Chrome will show you only results from Google.

Note: User Style Scripts & User Scripts can be added to most browsers but we are using Firefox & the Greasemonkey extension for our example here.


Here is the standard look for search results at Google…not bad but it really does not stand out that well either.

Installing the User Script

You may be asking yourself what makes this particular user script different from others. Take a look at the list of goodies that you get access to and you will understand:

Multiple columns of results Removes “Sponsored Links” Add numbers to the results Auto-load more results Removes web search dialogues Open links in a new tab Favicons GooglePreview Self updating Can be configured from a simple user dialogue

To get started click on the Webpage Install Button.

Once you click on the Webpage Install Button you will see the following window asking for confirmation to add the user script to Firefox. Click Install to complete the process.

GoogleMonkeyR in Action

Refreshing the same search page shown above shows a noticeable difference already. The light blue background makes the search results stand out a bit better. This is an improvement from before but you will definitely want to have a look to see just how far you can go…

Right click on the Greasemonkey Status Bar Icon, go to User Script Commands, and select GoogleMonkeyR Preferences.

Once you have clicked on GoogleMonkeyR Preferences the search page will be shaded out and you will have access to the user script’s preferences. This is where you can really make your search results unique looking!

Here are the changes that we started out with…

After refreshing our search results things looked even better.

A look at the entire page of results with our browser maximized and set for two columns.

If you have the Auto load more results Option enabled new results will be added very quickly as you scroll down.

Our set of search results after adding Favicons & GooglePreview Images.


If you have been wanting a more dramatic and pleasing look for the search results at Google then you can not go wrong with the GoogleMonkeyR User Script. Change as little or as much as you want to get that perfect look in your browser.


Install the GoogleMonkeyR User Script

Download the Greasemonkey extension for Firefox (Mozilla Add-ons)