desktop wallpaper change is one of the most common tasks that people face on a daily basis. It can be difficult to find the right wallpaper for your desktop, especially if you have a lot of different ones. DeskSlide is a great way to change your desktop wallpaper without having to go through all of the trouble of finding and installing differentwallpapers. DeskSlide is simple to use and it will automatically choose the best wallpaper for your desktop based on your current settings. You can also customize DeskSlide’s behavior, so it will always choose the best wallpaper for your desktop no matter what.

DeskSlide Setup

As soon as you finish installing DeskSlide and start it up, you will be presented with the Configuration Wizard. The Currently Displayed Photo Window will also automatically display at the same time. Click “Next” to get started.

This is where you will be able to add any photo folders that you want to DeskSlide’s photo library list. Click on the “Plus Sign” to add a folder and on the “Minus Sign” to remove one.

Here is an example of how the listing will look. Once you have finished, click “Apply” and then “Next”. You can also include subfolders if you desire (very nice!).

Choose the layout style that you would like to use with your photos and decide what DeskSlide will do with small photos. Notice that you can specify a specific size for what is classified as a small photo (nice!). Click “Next”.

Specify the amount of time that you would like in between changes to your wallpaper. Click “Next”.

That now has DeskSlide configured to suit your personal style. Click “Finish” to exit the Configuration Wizard.

DeskSlide Management

Once you have exited the Configuration Wizard, you will be able to view the Currently Displayed Photo and the Current Photo List Windows. You can easily access both windows at any time as shown here.

The Right Click Menu for the Current Photo List Window…

And the Right Click Menu for the System Tray Icon.


If you are looking for an easy way to add some variety to your desktop, then DeskSlide can provide a simple hassle-free way to change your wallpaper and brighten up your day. Have fun!


Download DeskSlide