Firefox has a built-in address bar and progress bar that can be combined to create a more efficient browsing experience. To combine the address bar and progress bar in Firefox, open Firefox and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window. This will open a menu where you can select “Options.” In the “Options” menu, select “General.” In the “General” section, select “Add New Window.” In the new window, select “Address Bar & Progress Bar.” In the new window, you will be asked to choose which type of window to create. Select “Address Bar & Progress Bar.” The address bar will now be combined with the progress bar.


Here you can see our example browser with the “Progress Bar” displaying as normal in the “Status Bar” and the “Throbber” spinning. We can do better than that though, right?


Once you have installed the extension, you might want to take a quick look at Fission’s options. You can easily change the color that displays in the address bar or even use an image (which makes for a truly unique look). You may also activate any of the three “Address Bar Features” if desired. For our example we chose a blue color…

Note: The “Preview Feature” is extremely nice for seeing how a new color or image will look before finalizing your decision.


You can see a very noticeable difference after we reloaded the webpage. No “Status Bar” or “Throbber” required to know how close the webpage is to finishing loading up.


If you love the combined Address and Progress Bars in Safari or have been wanting something like this to help minimize your UI, then Fission is a must-have extension for your Firefox Browser.


Download the Fission extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Fission extension (Extension Homepage)