If you’re like most Mac users, you probably spend a lot of time in the terminal. Whether you’re troubleshooting a problem or just trying to get your work done, the terminal is an essential part of macOS. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a new terminal in OS X. To start, open the Terminal app on your Mac. If it’s not already open, click on the Applications folder in the dock and then click on the Utilities folder. Once you’ve opened the Terminal app, type these commands into it: defaults write com.apple.terminal DontShowLoginWindow -bool true;killall Dock These two commands will disable the login window and kill all instances of Dock on your Mac. Next, we’ll need to create a new terminal session. To do this, type these commands: newterm -name “My New Terminal” -executable /Applications/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal -background true ..

Setting Up Your Drop-Down Terminal

You will first need to install SIMBL in order to install Visor, which is the application we’ll use to actually setup the drop-down terminal. SIMBL, which is short for “SIMple Bundle Loader”, is a program used to hack or patch existing apps to add more functionality and flexibility.

Once you have downloaded SIMBL, install it by just opening up the zip file, which includes the installer and uninstaller—you also might want to hang onto it in case you need to uninstall later.

Now that you have SIMBL installed, you will need to add the Visor plug-in package. Once you have downloaded and unpacked Visor, it will need to be placed in /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins.

Now you will need to launch or relaunch Terminal.

Now you will notice the Visor icon has added itself to the menu bar. If you click on it you can show Visor, pin it, open its preference pane, or visit the homepage of the project.

By default to launch Visor, the key command is ^ + ` (Control and Tilde) which if you used the console for Quake should somewhat be familiar.

In the Visor Preferences you can change how you active Visor—you can choose a key command or double tap control, you also have the option to Hide on pressing Escape, and opening Visor on the reopen of the Terminal.

In the next area of the pane, you can choose the position, animation and screens as well as what spaces that you will find Visor. In the last section you have the option to copy when you have selected text and if you want to have an option to show the icon in the status menu.

Overall Visor is a handy little tool if you need quick access to the Terminal and don’t need another window cluttering up your desktop.

Download SIMBL Download Visor