Word 2010 and 2007 offer a variety of ways to create and publish blog posts. This article will show you how to create a blog post in Word 2010 and 2007 using the following steps:

  1. Open the Word 2010 or 2007 document you want to write a blog post in.
  2. On the left side of the document, click on the New button.
  3. In the new window, enter a name for your blog post (for example, “How to Create and Publish Blog Posts”).
  4. Click on the OK button to create your post.
  5. On the right side of the new window, click onPublish to publish your post.

Setup Blog Account

Open Word 2010 and click on the File tab to access Backstage View. Click on New then double click Blog post.


You’ll be presented with the option to register your blog account, find compatible blog services, or register later.

When you register your blog, select the provider from the dropdown menu.

Next enter the blog URL, User Name, and Password.


Writing Blog Post

Creating your blog post is similar as it was in Office 2007, but now there are additional features. One of the cooler features is taking screenshots and placing them directly into your post. To learn how the Screenshot feature works check out our article… How To Take Screenshots with Word 2010.

After you are ready to publish your post, go to the Publish button under the Blog Post tab.

A confirmation screen will come up while Word is contacting the service.

Word 2007

Yep, you can also create and publish blogs in Word 2007, just minus the new editing features included in Word 2010.

Word 2007 and 2010 have come a long way over the past few years, and include a lot of awesome document creation utilities. If you already use Word for your document creation, now you can create and publish blog posts too, without having to install and learn new software. Remember that Office 2010 Beta is available for anyone to download and use at the time of this writing.

Download Office 2010 Beta