WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used to create websites. It allows users to create a website from scratch, or to improve an existing website. One of the features of WordPress is its category page. This page displays all the posts in a particular category. To display all the posts in a category on the category page, follow these steps:

  1. Open your WordPress site in your web browser.
  2. Click on the admin area at the top of the screen. This will open the admin area of your WordPress site.
  3. Click on the “Categories” link in the left-hand column of the admin area screen. This will open the categories screen for your WordPress site.
  4. In the “Categories” screen, click on the name of the category you want to display all posts in on your category page (for example, “Posts”). This will open a list of all posts in that particular category.
  5. To display all posts in that particular category, click on “All Posts” under “Display Options” at the bottom of this list of posts (see screenshot below). This will display all posts in that particular category on your WordPress site’s category page (see screenshot below). ..

First, you’ll want to grab the plugin from his website and install it. If you are unaware, that means unzipping and uploading the file into your BLOGROOT/wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Update: Looks like the original page is down, so here’s a mirror copy:

Download mirror copy here

He’s got a donate button. If this article helps you, then donate money to him, not me.

Once the plugin is installed, you will navigate in your control panel to the Plugins page, and Activate the CQS plugin. Head over to Options / CQS and you should be presented with this screen.

I’ve already customized mine… you should change the Query dropdown to “is_category”, set the Show condition to -1 (for all posts), and click the Add button.

I’ve also gone further and added a new condition so the Home page only shows 5 posts per page. I dislike cluttered homepages.