Open Office is a popular office suite that can be used to create and edit documents. After installing Open Office, it is important to finalize the setup. This will help make the experience more comfortable and efficient.

  1. Choose the language you want to use when opening Open Office.
  2. Choose the location of your computer and storage space.
  3. Choose the time zone you want to use.
  4. Choose whether you want to use a desktop or laptop computer for Open Office usage.

Open any of the Open Office applications.  Here I decided to launch Writer and am greeted with the Welcome Wizard which will guide me through registration.

The next screen we get to review and accept the EULA.  You will have to scroll down to the end of the EULA to be able to continue.

Now just enter your name …. I use my online alias … not that I am wearing a tinfoil hat, but I see no reason for any company to know my real info.

Now choose if you want to receive automatic updates or not.

Finally decide if you want to register with  I have registered and am happy I did as it makes me feel more a part of the Open Office Community.  Of course the option is completely up to the user.  Now click on Finish.

There we go!  Now we are ready to start using Open Office!