If you’re looking to set up a web server on your Windows 7 or Vista computer, you’ll need to install the IIS (Internet Information Services) software. IIS is a free, open source web server software package from Microsoft. To install IIS, open the Start menu and type “msconfig” into the search box. When the System Configuration window opens, click on the Networking tab and then select Internet Information Services from the list of services. Click on the Start button and then click on OK to start the installation process. When IIS is installed, you’ll need to create a new website. To do this, open Internet Explorer and type “www.mydomainname.com” into the address bar. You’ll be prompted for your domain name and password. Once you’ve entered these details, click on Create Website in the left-hand panel of Internet Explorer. You’ll be asked to provide some basic information about your website - such as its name and description - before clicking on Next. You’ll now be presented with a series of configuration options for your website. To start with, select Use Default Settings and then click on Next. You can now specify which files should be stored in your website’s root directory (the folder where all of your website’s files will be stored). By default, IIS will store all of your website’s files in a subdirectory called “www”. Click on Next to continue setting up your website’s settings. Now you need to decide how users will access your website - through a web browser or through an application such as Microsoft Word or Excel? To allow users access through browsers, select Use Browser-Based Access and then click on Next. If you want users to access your website through applications instead, select Use Application-Based Access and then click on Next again. Finally, specify which protocols (such as HTTP or HTTPS) should be used when users access your website through browsers or applications ..

First, go to Control Panel, and then click on Programs. You’ll see a link for “Turn Windows features on or off”

If you expand the Internet Information Services tree node, you can see that there are a lot of options beneath it. You will probably want to explore these options, because even if you click on IIS, some of the necessary options for doing development aren’t checked.

Once you’ve gone ahead and checked the items you want, and clicked OK, you’ll see this dialog for a while….

Now when you navigate in your browser to localhost, you’ll see the new default page… slick!