There are a few things you can do to keep your mouse frompointering on your text. One is to use a mouse pointer control panel, such as the one in Windows 7 or 8. Another is to set up a shortcut for your mouse in the taskbar, so that you can easily access it when you need it.

An animated picture would be better here, but you click in the middle of some text…

And then when you start typing, MouseAway moves the mouse a short distance away from the cursor:

Quite a useful little utility, and since it barely takes any resident memory it’s not too bad to keep it running all the time.

Short rant: With all of the zillions of small utilities to customize this and that, installing them all at the same time might be a little silly. We just try and find software that can help your particular pet peeves about Windows, so pick and choose wisely for the best experience.

Download MouseAway from